

frog / fudge

about me


she/her • 25

hella anxious, emotionally unavailable, borderline ace, frog loving, cat lady who plays video games

music, reading, video games, frogs, sloths, my cats
drama, bugs, surgery gore, the ocean??


if you make fun of me for any of these I will cry

marvel cinematic universe
star wars, harry potter
jurassic park/world
the nightmare before christmas
lilo & stitch
the mandalorian
doctor who, the witcher
criminal minds, L&O: SVU
stranger things,
•mainly play•
fortnite, FFXIV, animal crossing
•occasionally play•
sims 4, genshin impact, warcraft 3, fate, among us
•rarely play•
CSGO, don't stave together, VRChat